Naming ceremonies


Why have a naming ceremony?

The arrival of your new little miracle is a truly magical moment, and one of the finest in our life’s events. One of the first things we do is name our beautiful bundles, giving them an identity that will give them a belonging, and distinguish them from others for the rest of their lives. 

Many parents look to celebrate such an event, however do not want a traditional christening. Naming ceremonies are a great civil alternative. They are a fabulous way to welcome a child into the family, whether it is a new born baby, toddler, foster child, adopted child or step child.

A naming ceremony celebrates your childs life, and gives you the opportunity to make very personal promises to them, that come from you heart. Declaring publicly your hope and aspirations for their future.

The ceremony can be a perfect solution to a mixed faith family, where content from both religions can be incorporated in to the day.


Heart Life and Soul Ceremonies take pride in creating very personal, happy and relaxed occasions, in a location the family choose.

We will work with you to create a ceremony that is as unique as you and your family are. There are lots of different things you can include to involve your extended family and friends. As well as you the parents making your promises of love and to care for your child, grandparents often like the option to do so also.

During these ceremonies there is an opportunity to choose those special people that will act as mentors for your child. They also can make their pledges on how they will be there for your child throughout their life. These can be known as supporting adults or more commonly known as godparents. It is your choice.


make it special

The ceremony can include whatever content you would like it to, as it is YOUR ceremony. As well as poems, readings and music, there a number of other special ceremony options that you might like to consider. These are great for including key family or friend members within the ceremony.

We will spend time with you understanding what it is that is important to you, and craft a ceremony that you will feel, has encompassed everything you have wished for, creating a lifetime of beautiful memories. 

Here is just a few magical ideas:

Sand Ceremony

Plant a Tree

Time capsules

Unity Candles